
Alexander Kerzhakov on His Work at "Kairat"

Alexander Kerzhakov in front of

Alexander Kerzhakov shares his thoughts on his time at "Kairat," explains resignation reasons, and discusses the importance of a coach's authority.

Alexander Kerzhakov, former head coach of "Kairat," shared his thoughts about his tenure with the Almaty club. He revealed the circumstances that led to his resignation.

"When I arrived at 'Kairat,' I spent a month immersed in the team's environment, trying to get the full picture of the championship and understanding the team and opponents. However, three months in, I was told that I wasn't working — when would I start? For me, that's an unpleasant experience. Bending my principles? Never! I know there are coaches who would compromise, but not me. A coach's authority before players is invaluable, and after that, it would be at risk. I have no medal because my role in the championship was indirect," said Kerzhakov on air.

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